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Alternative Grass Landing Procedures

Exhibit ‘D’

Alternative Grass Landing Area Procedures

Use Requirements

The following rules govern use of the Alternative Grass Landing Area (AGLA) at Ken Jernstedt Airfield in Hood River, Oregon (Airport). The AGLA has been constructed principally to accommodate landing for antique aircraft.  It is located in the grassy median parallel to Runway 7/25, between the paved runway surface and the north parallel taxi-way. The AGLAis an alternative landing area but an integral partof Runway 7/25.

No Simultaneous Operations

  • No simultaneous aircraft operations shall occur on the paved surface of Runway 7/25 and the AGLA portion of Runway 7/25.
  • No simultaneous aircraft operations shall occur on the north parallel taxi-way and the AGLA.


  • Ken Jernstedt Airfield is a Visual Approach Airport. All pilots are required to adhere to best practices for airfield safety policies, including checking Notice to Airmen (NOTAM).Radios are encouraged for all aircraft.
  • When an aircraft declares intention to land on the paved runway, no activity is permitted within the AGLA.
  • Pilots with radios must declare their intention to land on the AGLA. Landings may occur on the AGLA only when no other aircraft or other activities are present on either the paved runway or the north parallel taxi-way. If such activity is present, all aircraft must land on the paved runway.
  • Aircraft landing on AGLA must exit taxi-way as soon as safely possible. Aircraft enter or cross the paved runway.


  • Prior to taxi from the north apron or entrance to the north parallel taxi-way, aircraft with radios shall declare intention to taxi on the north parallel taxi-way and complete thorough visual review of ground and air traffic before crossing the Hold Line.  Pilots must remain at the designated hold line until traffic is cleared.
  • All pilots must review and understand Airport signage and markings.
  • All pilots must review Airport NOTAMS.
  • Pilots must have an Airport diagram out and available as a reference during taxi.
  • Pilots must maintain appropriate taxi speed and may not exceed 15 miles per hour on the taxi-way.
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