Dispute Parking Complaint
Sturgeon fishermen: if you received a ticket on New Year's Eve/New Year's Day for parking in an unauthorized area, please enter the details of your ticket below and we will review your case and respond promptly.
If you would like to dispute a Parking Complaint you have received, you may complete and submit the online Dispute Form below, download a PDF copy of the form below, or obtain and submit a paper Dispute Form in person at the Port Marina Building Office located at 1000 E. Port Marina Drive in Hood River during regular business hours.
Download a copy of the Parking Complaint Dispute FormIf you experienced difficulty while trying to pay due to a poor connectivity, please take a screen shot on your phone. If you receive a ticket and are able to provide the information that you tried to pay the ticket will qualify for dismissal.
The Executive Director or their designee will consider a properly completed and filed Dispute Form if received within 30 days after the issuance of a Courtesy Notice.
The Executive Director or their designee may take any action they deem appropriate in response to the information in a Dispute Form filed with the Port, including obtaining more information, reducing or forgiving a parking charge, or undertaking or continuing collection activities.