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Approved by the Commission on November 19, 2024 by Resolution No. 2024-25-12



The purpose of the Rules and Regulations is to make Port public spaces available for reasonable use, and to provide a process for the reservation of such space. Subject to these Rules and Regulations, the Port will consider public spaces for special events and uses when they do not overly restrict access by the general public or interfere with Port business operations. A User Agreement is required for the use of Port Property for special events or uses. A special event or use is any activity that attracts people to a specific location for commercial or other purposes.

The Port retains the right to cancel any scheduled use in the event of an emergency or for other Port requirements, as determined in the sole discretion of the Port’s Executive Director. In the event a scheduled use must be canceled, the Port will provide the Permittee with as much notice as possible.

Event information posted on Port’s website:


  1.  Application Fee and Form: A completed Event Online Application is due 60 days prior to all Port waterfront and park events. If the application is approved, there is a $200 non-refundable deposit required to confirm the reservation.  A Special Event Use Agreement will be provided to the applicant via email and shall serve as confirmation and proof of reservation. If the Port denies the application, notification will be provided by email. 
  2. Event Contract: An approved Special Event Use Agreement is required to reserve any Port property or facility for any event or gathering that involves more than visiting or routine use by the public at large. User Agreements are issued by the Port in its sole discretion based upon an evaluation of availability of Port properties, as well as the nature and duration of the proposed use. Failure of the applicant to fully disclose intended use may result in immediate cancellation of reservation and denial of subsequent use.
  3. Site & Parking Plans: Site & parking plans must be provided to and accepted by the Port for those events using equipment, booths, garbage handling, portable sanitation, staging and/or entertainment using amplified sound systems. Races, walks, bikathons, etc., must provide a route map to the Port. The Permittee shall conduct the event in conformance with Port-approved policies and other Port requirements. City noise restrictions may apply. It is the responsibility of the permittee to provide information regarding parking locations and fees to participants and guests. 
  4. Parking: Permittee and all event attendees must observe and adhere to the Port’s parking regulations as indicated by signage. Parking fees are not included unless parking area has been rented as part of the Event.  Overnight parking is prohibited, except by prior written permission the Port. Event organizers are responsible for ensuring event patrons do not park in prohibited areas. No vehicles allowed on the grass. Special events and uses with high attendance may be required to adhere to and implement an Event Parking Management Plan on the days of the event. Large events [over 300 people] at the Event are required to manage event parking and to rent additional parking in Lot #1 to accommodate the event.  The plan specifics would be coordinated with the Port Waterfront Manager and detailed in the Event Permit. Permittee is required to provide adequate staffing for the parking lot(s) for the duration of the approved use.
  5.  Permits: At least 10 business days prior to event, copies of any required permits from the City of Hood River, Hood River County Health Department, Oregon Department of Transportation, or other regulatory agencies, including the Oregon Liquor Control Commission, Oregon State Marine Board, or the U.S. Coast Guard, etc., must be provided to the Port. The City of Hood River requires a Special Event Permit for all public events, which is reviewed by City fire, police, and sanitarian officials.

Event Fee Schedule: The Permittee shall pay fees in accordance with the Master Fee Schedule. For the most current version, please visit the Port website at:

  1. Payments Due:  Event deposit of $200 is due upon application approval.  Deposit is credited towards the total fee however it is not refundable if the event is canceled. Fees are due in full 10 business days prior to the event. Additional charges assessed for restroom cleaning, damages, and Port staff assistance with payment due upon receipt of invoice after the event.
  2.  Insurance: An individual Permittee shall provide and maintain Comprehensive General Liability Insurance Coverage with a minimum combined single limit of $1,000,000.00 naming the Port of Hood River as an Additional Insured. A commercial Permittee shall provide and maintain broad form Comprehensive Commercial General Liability Coverage with a minimum combined single limit of $1,000,000.00 naming the Port of Hood River as an Additional Insured. All Permittees serving alcohol (for sale) must include complete Liquor Liability Coverage with a limit not less than $1,000.000.00.  If a Permittee plans to provide alcohol (not for sale) the policy must include Host Liquor Liability with a minimum limit of $1,000,000.00.  All of the required policies shall be written as a Primary Policy, not contributing with or in excess of any coverage which the Port of Hood River may carry.  All copies of insurance certificates must be on file in the Port office prior to set-up. There will be no exceptions. These documents may be reviewed for compliance by the Port’s Agent of Record. The Port has the discretion to waive this requirement for low-attendance non-public events in the Marina Park such as picnics.
  3.  Alcohol Policy: If Permittee will be selling or serving alcohol at the event, Permittee must sign the Event Alcohol Control Policy form and follow its requirements and recommendations. OLCC Permits:  If alcohol is sold or served at public events, an Oregon Liquor Control Commission permit must be obtained and submitted to the City of Hood River Police Department and the Port of Hood River for approval.
  4. Security: Adequate security for the event is the responsibility of the Permittee. Certified security guards will be required for public events serving alcohol. (See City of Hood River’s Special Event Application.) It is the sole responsibility of the Permittee to control the event, protect the people present, and comply with all applicable laws and regulations. The Port of Hood River has no responsibility for the event. Port staff will not be onsite unless contracted to do so.
  5.  Food Service/Sales: Permittee shall ensure that all food and alcohol vendors are in compliance with OLCC and food handler laws and regulations. Food Handler Permits may be obtained from the Hood River County Health Department and a copy submitted to the Port. Permittee is responsible for all damages caused by vendors and concessionaires, as well as any violations of Port policies. Damages will be assessed after the event and payable upon receipt of the invoice.
  6.  Use of Port Name: The Permittee may use the official Port name, logos, or other identification the Port wishes to be identified by in Permittee’s promotional, advertising and marketing materials.
  7.  Fee or Cost Waivers: The Port will not waive fees for commercial events with concessions or sales of any type. However, the Port may consider waivers or fee reductions for youth sports and activities or events resulting in community-wide benefits (such as 4th of July Fireworks), if an event is a not-for-profit activity.  Fee waiver applications are available from the Waterfront Manager.
  8.  Indemnification Agreement: The Permittee agrees to indemnify and save the Port, its Commissioners, officers, employees and agents, harmless from any claims by any persons, firms, or corporations arising from or related to event activities conducted on Port premises or arising from or related to any act of Permittee or Permittee’s agents, contractors, employees, invitees or licensees in or about the Port premises, and from all costs, legal fees, and liabilities incurred in any action or proceeding brought thereon; and in case any action or proceeding is brought against the Port by reason of any such claim, Permittee, upon notice from the Port, covenants to resist and defend such action or proceeding by legal counsel satisfactory to the Port.
  9.  Port Right to Cancel: The Port reserves the right to cancel an event at any time, in the Port’s discretion. In case of Port cancellation, neither Permittee, nor any third party, shall have the right to claim damages of any kind resulting from the cancellation. The Port may refund rental deposit(s), when appropriate, if an event is canceled.


  1. Restrooms:  Port Public Restrooms open starting late Spring and close early Fall.  For events with high attendance, the Port may close the restrooms, or restrict hours open, due to staffing constraints. Events over 75 people are required to provide port-a-potties. Permittee is required to coordinate and pay for the rental of Port-a-Potties to be available on site during the special event at the rate of one toilet per 75 participants. All costs associated with the required rental, delivery, pick up, etc., would be those of the Permittee. Event Site bathrooms will be closed during exclusive use events unless prior access arrangements have been made with the Port and professional janitorial services have been hired, at the Permittees expense, to maintain the bathrooms throughout the rental period.
  2. Damages: Permittee shall arrange a grounds inspection with Port Facilities staff prior to set up and following exclusive use events at the Event Site and Marina Green. Tent stakes are not allowed in any areas that have irrigation, specifically the Event Site and Marina Green.  For all Sites: Permittee shall be assessed at the Port’s rate for any repair of any event related damage to facilities including irrigation or parking lot damage from vehicles, stakes or posts. Waterfront Manager may require a Damage and Cleaning Deposit for certain events.
  3.  Traffic Control: Permittee shall provide all traffic and parking control if over 100 cars per day are anticipated. Large Events at the Event Site [over 300 people] are required to rent additional parking in Lot #1.
  4.  Water and Electricity:  Permittee shall be responsible for any special utility connections at Permittee’s cost.  Water is seasonally available at several locations. Electricity is not available at every location and not guaranteed at locations with outlets.  Outlets inside the Event Restroom and storage area are not available for event use.
  5.  Garbage:  Permittee shall provide sufficient garbage and recycling receptacles and collection to accommodate the needs of the event. Permittee is responsible for the removal and proper disposal of all trash, debris and litter, and if necessary, pay for its removal.  Events over 50 people are required to arrange for dumpster service.  It is the Permittees responsibility to coordinate and pay for the waste management service, including but not limited to the rental, delivery and pick up of trash, and have them available on-site during the special event or use.  All costs associated with this requirement would be those of the Permittee following the last paid Move-Out day, any remaining garbage or other materials will be removed by the Port at Permittees expense.


  1. Water is available at the Event Site location May - September. Electricity is not guaranteed. There is one power pedestal near the restroom. 
  2. Port will provide Permittee opportunity for a site inspection and walk through with facilities staff prior to and following event.
  3. Port will notify waterfront concession tenants of the park or waterfront closure, if necessary, as well as any other negotiated restrictions on access and use. 
  4. Port staff will be available during normal working hours (Monday – Friday, 8am-5pm, excluding holidays) to answer questions for set-up and after event during removal and clean-up.


 The Marina Park picnic shelter is located on the west side of the Hood River Marina, just north of the Hood River County Historic Museum and the Yacht Club and is open for use May 1 – October 1. The Picnic Shelter is available to reserve and rent on a daily basis using the Port’s online application and availability calendar for private events. The Park hours are 7am – 9pm.

Picnic Shelter Fee Schedule: The Permittee shall pay fees in accordance with the Master Fee Schedule. For the most current version, please visit the Port website at:

Cancellation Policy- When a reservation is cancelled (30) days or more before a rental date, a 50% rental fee will be refunded.  when a reservation is cancelled less than (30) days before the rental date, no refund of the rental fee will be given.  You may reschedule your reservation within the same calendar year for a $25 change fee if you do so within (30) days before your rental reservation date, depending on site availability.   If you cancel after rescheduling no refund will be given.

Events open to the public require an Event Permit. Please see the “Event” section of our website for location information and rate schedule. Events that are open to the public require a Certificate of Insurance in the amount of $1 million naming the Port of Hood River as an additional insured.

Picnic Shelter General Information

  1. The Marina Park Picnic Shelter is available to rent on a daily basis, reservations are required 7 days in advance.
  2. Reservations and payment must be made online using the Port’s website portal.
  3. If the Shelter is not rented it may be used on a “first come, first served” basis for small groups 40 people or less. Please check the online calendar for availability.
  4. Commercial activity is not allowed.
  5. Grills are not allowed.
  6. Fires are not allowed.
  7. Picnic shelter has 6-7 tables. 1 table = 6 people.
  8. Picnic Shelter Capacity – 40 people of any age (total includes children).
  9. Water spigot is available.
  10. Electricity is available with reservations.
  11. Garbage – 1 can is provided. Users are required to haul out trash generated beyond the capacity of the receptacle.
  12. Restrooms- Public restrooms or Port-a-Potties are available near the Marina Moorage and at the Marina Beach.
  13. No vehicles allowed on grass.
  14. No smoking allowed in picnic shelter or park area.
  15. Dogs must be on leash attached to their person at all times.
  16. Bouncy houses or other inflatable structures are not permitted.
  17. There is free parking during park hours at the Marina Beach and the Marina Moorage parking lot.

No person shall sell or offer for sale, any merchandise, article, or thing in or upon a Port Park or at any Port-authorized special event without having first obtained a permit from the Port for a specific area or the special event. A person may not practice, carry on, conduct, or solicit for any trade, occupation, business, or profession, without first obtaining written permission from the Port.


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