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Members Needed For Airport Advisory Committee

April 11, 2022


  • Greg Hagbery
  • Port of Hood River
  • (541) 386- 5116

The Port of Hood River is seeking three individuals to serve as members of the Airport Advisory Committee (AAC). The AAC advises the Port Commission on airport issues and is asked to provide input on planning, development, and other airport related issues.

The Committee is comprised of 7 members of the public, as well as the Fixed Based Operator, WAAAM, and two Port Commissioners. Terms are 3 years and must be approved by the Commission.

If you are interested in being on this Committee, please send the following information to the Port by either email or U.S. Mail no later than April 29, 2022:

Name, address, email, phone, background and pertinent aviation experience, a list of your community activities and a statement of why you would like to serve on the Committee.

Please send to:

  • Airport Advisory Committee
  • Port of Hood River
  • 1000 E. Port Marina Drive
  • Hood River, OR, 97310

Or email to:


For more information, call the Port of Hood River at (541) 386-5116.

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